These icons are not intended to infringe upon the trademark rights of Iomega Corporation or any of it's subsidiaries. Iomega® is the registered trademark and Zip™ is the trademark of the Iomega Corporation and no one else. You may distribute this icon collection provided you keep the set intact, including the read me file. Since icons are freeware enjoy and there is no charge!
How To Use the Icons:
1. You need system 7 or higher.
2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original Buckaroo icon file that you want to use.
3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu).
4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk.
5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu).
6. Please e-mail me if you like the icons or want to request more.